A world of creativity awaits
Here on the Wacom blog, we celebrate creativity in all its forms. No matter what your creative interest is, we believe that everyone has the potential to express themselves through art, design, writing, music, and more.
Click below or scroll down to explore all of the content on the Wacom blog. Want to learn more about Michelle Mee Nutter, who created this featured art? Click here.
Art by Michelle Mee Nutter |@buttersketch
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Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, our goal is to provide you with the tools, resources, and inspiration you need to unleash your creative potential and bring your unique vision to life. From tips and tutorials to interviews with industry experts, we’re here to support you on your creative journey. So, come along with us and let’s explore the limitless possibilities of creativity together.
How to Optimize Your Artistic Workflow with Rebelle and Wacom
Mastering Masks in Photoshop and Illustrator, with School of Motion
Animating Dreams: Alex Ferreira Simões’ Journey from São Paulo to the Heart of Gaming
6 Popular Illustration Trends of 2024
Where Pixels And Daydreams Collide: Nick Shaheen’s Motion Capture Journey with Rokoko and Wacom
Tracks and Layers, with Scan Pro Graphics, review the Wacom Movink OLED Pen Display
Adding magic to photos with Allison Olivia Moon
Making the most of your Wacom with Pablo Muñoz Gómez — Tip 10: How to Back Up Your Custom Wacom Settings
“Movink Reminded Me Why I’m An Artist:” Animator Joshua Bronk Reviews The Wacom Movink 13
Making the most of your Wacom with Pablo Muñoz Gómez, Tip 9: Other Wacom devices and features
Why Wacom Is Essential To Under The Stairs’ Video Game Development Workflow
Wacom Movink, My New Best Friend! An animated review by Javadoodles
Exclusive Offer: Wacom Newsletter
Subscribe today and get 5% off displays or 10% off tablets.
Disclaimer: US Only. Not valid on Wacom Cintiq Pro 17, 22, or 27, stands for Cintiq Pro 17, 22, or 27, or Wacom One (2023) pen displays and tablets.
Wacom Movink pen display
Wacom’s lightest and thinnest pen display ever
Enjoy the freedom of working wherever you feel creatively inspired with Wacom Movink OLED pen display, our lightest and thinnest pen display yet. As thin as 4mm* and weighing just 420g, Wacom Movink pen display is 55% lighter than Wacom One 13 touch and 66% thinner. Connect it to your Mac or PC, and you’ll have all the processing power you need for your professional work.
*4mm is measured at the thinnest part.
How to draw a polar bear, with legendary animator Aaron Blaise
In this video, legendary animator Aaron Blaise talks about his inspiration and process for designing and developing the primary polar bear character for his new animated short film, Snow Bear.
It all started with the inspiration, and then he moved into research: reading books, watching video, and even going to the zoo to watch a polar bear live. But how does he approach taking a very realistic polar bear design and turn it into an expressive character for his new short film? Watch along to find out.
Humans have been using ink for thousands of years to express ourselves and preserve knowledge \u2013 from plant-based paintings on cave walls to writing and illustrating foundational cultural manuscripts. In the 20th and 21st centuries, digital ink has taken this uniquely human impulse to the next level, with Wacom at the forefront. Wacom created the electro-magnetic resonance (EMR) technology that powers our devices, and we\u2019ve been perfecting it ever since. Today, creatives worldwide use Wacom technology to empower their work through the use of digital ink.","phone":"
The power of digital ink\n
Humans have been using ink for thousands of years to express ourselves and preserve knowledge \u2013 from plant-based paintings on cave walls to writing and illustrating foundational cultural manuscripts. In the 20th and 21st centuries, digital ink has taken this uniquely human impulse to the next level, with Wacom at the forefront. Wacom created the electro-magnetic resonance (EMR) technology that powers our devices, and we\u2019ve been perfecting it ever since. Today, creatives worldwide use Wacom technology to empower their work through the use of digital ink."}},"slug":"et_pb_text"}" data-et-multi-view-load-phone-hidden="true">
The power of digital ink
Humans have been using ink for thousands of years to express ourselves and preserve knowledge – from plant-based paintings on cave walls to writing and illustrating foundational cultural manuscripts. In the 20th and 21st centuries, digital ink has taken this uniquely human impulse to the next level, with Wacom at the forefront. Wacom created the electro-magnetic resonance (EMR) technology that powers our devices, and we’ve been perfecting it ever since. Today, creatives worldwide use Wacom technology to empower their work through the use of digital ink.
Wacom drawing tablets
Wacom has a pen tablet for nearly every creative pursuit. One by Wacom is perfect for the beginner or student. Wacom Intuos bridges the gap between traditional and digital, empowering digital drawing, painting, and photo editing for creatives of all levels. The new Wacom One pen tablets are convenient and customizable. And Wacom Intuos Pro is trusted by creative professionals who need the ultimate in precision, performance, and productivity."}},"slug":"et_pb_blurb"}" data-et-multi-view-load-phone-hidden="true">
Wacom has a pen tablet for nearly every creative pursuit. One by Wacom is perfect for the beginner or student. Wacom Intuos bridges the gap between traditional and digital, empowering digital drawing, painting, and photo editing for creatives of all levels. The new Wacom One pen tablets are convenient and customizable. And Wacom Intuos Pro is trusted by creative professionals who need the ultimate in precision, performance, and productivity.
Wacom drawing displays
With a Wacom pen display, you use our pressure-sensitive pens directly on the screen for ultimate control and accuracy. Available in a range of display sizes and feature sets \u2013 from the 13\u201d display of Wacom One, portable and perfect for beginners, to the Wacom Cintiq Pro in sizes from 16\u201d to 27\u201d, with best-in-class color, gesture controls, and ExpressKeys for customization \u2013 there's a Wacom pen display to empower every creator\u2019s wildest dreams."}},"slug":"et_pb_blurb"}" data-et-multi-view-load-phone-hidden="true">
With a Wacom pen display, you use our pressure-sensitive pens directly on the screen for ultimate control and accuracy. Available in a range of display sizes and feature sets – from the 13” display of Wacom One, portable and perfect for beginners, to the Wacom Cintiq Pro in sizes from 16” to 27”, with best-in-class color, gesture controls, and ExpressKeys for customization – there's a Wacom pen display to empower every creator’s wildest dreams.
Connect with Wacom on Social
Wacom One 13 Touch is on sale!
Get the smoothest, most precise and responsive drawing experience of your life with Wacom One 13 touch.
Perfect for sketching, painting, animating, planning, and editing without any roadblocks.
Plus, it’s packed with creative software like Clip Studio Paint, Affinity, Magma and more! 🎨🔥
Shop through the link in our bio!
#WacomSale #WacomOne #WacomTablet
The new Wacom Intuos Pro was redesigned from the inside out, with Wacom’s most advanced pen tablet technology.
Built with 40+ years of innovation, the #WacomProPen 3 is fully customizable. Choose from various grips, button configurations, nibs, and adjustable weight for a setup that fits your exact needs.
Learn more through the link in our bio!
#WacomIntuosPro #IntuosPro #PenTablet #WacomTablet
Every artist has their own creative ritual, whether it’s the perfect cup of tea, a morning walk to clear the mind, or that burst of inspiration that hits at just the right moment. 🫖🕯️🎧
Maybe it`s lighting the perfect candle to set the mood, or sketching out ideas on an old notebook. Whatever it is, these little essentials set the stage for our best work.
For me, it`s all about my Wacom tablet.
Wacom has teamed up with my club, @wearethedesignkids, to make sure students have the right tools from day one. With the right gear in hand, we can build our own creative rituals and refine our craft.
So, what’s a must-have in your creative ritual? Maybe a special sketchbook, a cozy corner, or the perfect playlist?
#WacomPartner #WacomForEducation #digitalart
#inspiration #wacomintuos
Built to shine, new or not. ✨💎📦
Give a Wacom device a second life and unlock the opportunity to upgrade, expand, or enhance your digital workflow.
Check out #WacomRefurbished deals available in the US & Canada through the link in our bio or visit the Wacom estore.
Some people wanna stand in your light. 👎
Lucas wants to teach you how to draw light. 💡☀️😁
Thank you @lplucas and @clipstudioofficial for making it so easy!
#WacomTips #wacommovink
Let’s get to work! 💥
Setting up your Movink is a breeze. Just plug in and start creating with ease and comfort! ✍️
What’s on your creative agenda today? Drop a comment and share with us!
#WacomMovink #CreativesOnTheGo #CreativeProfessionals
🎨✨ Navigating license agreements as an artist can feel like a maze. Too often, we’re faced with contracts that lean heavily in favor of clients, leaving us with little protection.
For artists like Zeynep Alpay, finding a way to make these agreements fair and transparent has been a true game changer. Now she can focus on what she does best, creating art, while the details are handled with Yuify.
🔒 Want to see how artists can truly protect their rights? Head to Yuify.com for the full picture.
#WacomYuify #Yuify #CreativeRights #DigitalRightsManagement
“I use my tablet for everything.” 😍☺️😳
Everything about the new Wacom Intuos Pro her Joyce get into the flow of her work. Read more about Joyce`s unique artistic style, her whimsical world of critters and the ups and downs of her creative journey on the #WacomBlog
#WacomIntuosPro #IntuosPro #PenTablet #WacomTablet
Artists vs Water 💧💦🌊🥛🫗🖌️
@lplucas has some tips to help you along the way 🩵
#madewithwacom #digitalart #drawingtips #movink #artistlife #artistsoninstagram
"I love the new dial, it has haptic feedback, which I was always looking for ... I can feel its position, I can feel its options, and I can feel what I have to do to reach my aim.”
Markus Bledowski on the new #WacomIntuosPro
Markus is a motion designer based in Germany who has been using Wacom products for decades. He thinks the newly redesigned Wacom Intuos Pro is the best version yet. ☺️
#WacomIntuosPro #IntuosPro #PenTablet #WacomTablet
Markus is a motion designer based in Germany who has been using Wacom products for decades. He thinks the newly redesigned Wacom Intuos Pro is the best version yet. ☺️
#WacomIntuosPro #IntuosPro #PenTablet #WacomTablet" data-video="https://scontent-ord5-2.cdninstagram.com/o1/v/t16/f2/m86/AQOmQuE8dy6p3wlbGtfkbrJwdTbOvYXHnTUzucu69OmH3LG0Kpud64iIoflzIF2nVTLSTH1Y4bXV_fM8fumeTHVuHilAiRYSMk05g64.mp4?efg=eyJ2ZW5jb2RlX3RhZyI6InZ0c192b2RfdXJsZ2VuLmNsaXBzLnVua25vd24tQzMuNzIwLmRhc2hfYmFzZWxpbmVfMV92MSJ9&_nc_ht=scontent-ord5-2.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=107&_nc_oc=Adh0vuqCfePuF3rLc9zIvTFvOVtvFfuQ2fpnpXJuPbXJgUgBM4EWTnNqRXX3DNecjO8&vs=959299819660104_3738858047&_nc_vs=HBksFQIYUmlnX3hwdl9yZWVsc19wZXJtYW5lbnRfc3JfcHJvZC9GOTRFOEE5NDM4RkQ4QTdFNjlFNUY2OTk5RDJDNDc5OF92aWRlb19kYXNoaW5pdC5tcDQVAALIAQAVAhg6cGFzc3Rocm91Z2hfZXZlcnN0b3JlL0dQekVweHpzcEZDblVPZ0JBQmZ2TXhqdHVpVmRicV9FQUFBRhUCAsgBACgAGAAbAYgHdXNlX29pbAExFQAAJrCb5cSbrfRAFQIoAkMzLBdAUuFHrhR64RgSZGFzaF9iYXNlbGluZV8xX3YxEQB1AAA%3D&ccb=9-4&oh=00_AYBGMKSvEMPXn45Kbn8dMcfztNAIvThl2OAB0MC54o8Rag&oe=67CB9385&_nc_sid=1d576d" data-carousel="" data-id="sbi_18297266266209227" data-user="wacom" data-url="https://www.instagram.com/reel/DGTPFLAqqcL/" data-avatar="https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t51.2885-15/293206242_1395412377630628_8690805863914973770_n.jpg?_nc_cat=110&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=7d201b&_nc_ohc=z48BJ7m5aT0Q7kNvgHja8FS&_nc_zt=23&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-1.xx&edm=AL-3X8kEAAAA&oh=00_AYDyGjxnpOwq21KRYZIgzG9TMRzHKD_SoYzBB--hJtr7fQ&oe=67679912" data-account-type="business" data-iframe="" data-media-type="reels" data-posted-on="" data-custom-avatar="" target="_blank"> Open
HOME. by @mahnoorahmad9 🏠☁️🪁📺
What do you see when you close your eyes and you dream of home?
For Mahnoor it`s the home she spent the 90s and early 2000s in.
The rooms brimming with stories and memories of aromas, anecdotes, routines, cozy moments, and a whole lot of love.
Mahnoor drew this from memory, looking at no pictures, because those special moments are forever ingrained as home.
#MadeWithWacom #WacomCintiq #digitalart #digitalartist #artistsoninstagram
“You’re not thinking about the tool ... it just feels good.”
@joiceesketch on the new #WacomIntuosPro
Designer and illustrator Joyce Liu creates dynamic, expressive artwork that transports viewers to a vibrant, futuristic world where shapes and colors blend and flow beautifully.
From the ExpressKeys to the customizable Pro Pen 3 to the lightweight form factor to the seamless connectivity, Everything about it helps her get into the flow of her work. “It just feels natural,” she says. ✍️😍
#WacomIntuosPro #IntuosPro #PenTablet #WacomTablet