Joshua Pinker is a 2D animation artist who has worked on over 15 animated series, including projects for Adult Swim, Disney Jr., and Netflix. He...
Making the Most of Your Wacom with Pablo Muñoz Gómez, Tip 7: Mapping ExpressKeys to Custom Functions
Let’s Get Animated with Josh Pinker! Episode 2: Animating a 2D Ball Bounce
Jorge Gutiérrez Tendrá una Charla Inspiradora con Wacom
Desde hace unos meses empezamos a implementar #WacomWebinars, un nuevo esquema de webinars con los que buscamos seguir ayudando a nuestra comunidad...
Optimizing your Wacom User Experience
We’re proud when customers tell us their Wacom pen feels like a natural extension of their arm. It means we continue to honor our mission to create...
Add a little creativity to your PC with Bamboo Ink Plus
Have you ever tried to write or draw with a mouse? Not the greatest experience, right? How about your laptop’s touchpad? Again, challenging and...
Why Communication is Vital for Portrait Photographers
Dani Diamond shares what he’s learned over the years on how to make a subject feel comfortable in front of the camera and capture those poses and expressions effectively.
Wacom at the Game Developer’s Conference 2019 #GDC2019
The 2019 Game Developer’s Conference (GDC) kicked off yesterday in San Francisco and the Wacom team is already there connecting with developers and...
15 Easy Tips for Better Sunrise Photography
Professional photographer, Anton Gorlin, strives to capture the essence of the moment, and the beauty and wealth of shapes and forms in his...
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Disclaimer: US Only. Not valid on Wacom Cintiq Pro 17, 22, or 27, stands for Cintiq Pro 17, 22, or 27, or Wacom One (2023) pen displays and tablets.
The power of digital ink
Humans have been using ink for thousands of years to express ourselves and preserve knowledge – from plant-based paintings on cave walls to writing and illustrating foundational cultural manuscripts. In the 20th and 21st centuries, digital ink has taken this uniquely human impulse to the next level, with Wacom at the forefront. Wacom created the electro-magnetic resonance (EMR) technology that powers our devices, and we’ve been perfecting it ever since. Today, creatives worldwide use Wacom technology to empower their work through the use of digital ink.
Wacom drawing tablets
Wacom has a pen tablet for nearly every creative pursuit. One by Wacom is perfect for the beginner or student. Wacom Intuos bridges the gap between traditional and digital, empowering digital drawing, painting, and photo editing for creatives of all levels. The new Wacom One pen tablets are convenient and customizable. And Wacom Intuos Pro is trusted by creative professionals who need the ultimate in precision, performance, and productivity.
Wacom drawing displays
With a Wacom pen display, you use our pressure-sensitive pens directly on the screen for ultimate control and accuracy. Available in a range of display sizes and feature sets – from the 13” display of Wacom One, portable and perfect for beginners, to the Wacom Cintiq Pro in sizes from 16” to 27”, with best-in-class color, gesture controls, and ExpressKeys for customization – there's a Wacom pen display to empower every creator’s wildest dreams.