" ).insertBefore( ".et-db #et-boc .et-l .diviwp-header-14 .et_mobile_menu .menu-item-has-children > a" ); // remove the link for the parent menu item and apply reveal-items to the submenu FirstLevel.off('click').click(function() { // target the sub-menu and apply a toggle class of reveal-items $(this).parent().children().toggleClass( 'reveal-items' ); // prevent browser jump to top when clicking the sub-menu toggle return false; }); // apply the same toggle to the inserted sub-menu-toggle $( ".et-db #et-boc .et-l .diviwp-header-14 .et_mobile_menu .sub-menu-toggle" ).click(function () { // target the sub-menu and apply a toggle class of reveal-items $(this).parent().children().toggleClass( 'reveal-items' ); // prevent browser jump to top when clicking the sub-menu toggle return false; }); // prevent the menu from closing if any link is clicked $( ".et-db #et-boc .et-l .diviwp-header-14 .et_mobile_menu a" ).click(function () { $( ".et-db #et-boc .et-l .diviwp-header-14 a.mobile_nav" ).removeClass( 'closed' ).addClass( 'opened noslide' ); }); // calculate starting height of sub-menu so that you can scroll the menu when the section is fixed or sticky var totalheight = 0; // target the mobile menu ul jQuery( ".et-db #et-boc .et-l .diviwp-header-14 .et_mobile_nav_menu .mobile_nav .et_mobile_menu" ).each(function(){ // calculate the height of the ul section totalheight = totalheight + jQuery(this).outerHeight(); }); // add px value to the totalheight variable totalheight = totalheight + "px"; // add the total height variable to the mobile menu if the section has sticky scroll enabed via Section Settings -> Advanced -> Scroll Effects -> Stick to Top jQuery(".et-db #et-boc .et-l .diviwp-header-14.et_pb_sticky_module .et_mobile_menu").css("max-height",totalheight); } // end diviwp_header_14_setup_collapsible_submenus $(window).load(function() { setTimeout(function() { diviwp_header_14_setup_collapsible_submenus(); }, 700); }); // end window load })(jQuery); // end function // END DIVIWP COLLAPSIBLE SUBMENUS });

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