" ).insertBefore( ".et-db #et-boc .et-l .diviwp-header-14 .et_mobile_menu .menu-item-has-children > a" ); // remove the link for the parent menu item and apply reveal-items to the submenu FirstLevel.off('click').click(function() { // target the sub-menu and apply a toggle class of reveal-items $(this).parent().children().toggleClass( 'reveal-items' ); // prevent browser jump to top when clicking the sub-menu toggle return false; }); // apply the same toggle to the inserted sub-menu-toggle $( ".et-db #et-boc .et-l .diviwp-header-14 .et_mobile_menu .sub-menu-toggle" ).click(function () { // target the sub-menu and apply a toggle class of reveal-items $(this).parent().children().toggleClass( 'reveal-items' ); // prevent browser jump to top when clicking the sub-menu toggle return false; }); // prevent the menu from closing if any link is clicked $( ".et-db #et-boc .et-l .diviwp-header-14 .et_mobile_menu a" ).click(function () { $( ".et-db #et-boc .et-l .diviwp-header-14 a.mobile_nav" ).removeClass( 'closed' ).addClass( 'opened noslide' ); }); // calculate starting height of sub-menu so that you can scroll the menu when the section is fixed or sticky var totalheight = 0; // target the mobile menu ul jQuery( ".et-db #et-boc .et-l .diviwp-header-14 .et_mobile_nav_menu .mobile_nav .et_mobile_menu" ).each(function(){ // calculate the height of the ul section totalheight = totalheight + jQuery(this).outerHeight(); }); // add px value to the totalheight variable totalheight = totalheight + "px"; // add the total height variable to the mobile menu if the section has sticky scroll enabed via Section Settings -> Advanced -> Scroll Effects -> Stick to Top jQuery(".et-db #et-boc .et-l .diviwp-header-14.et_pb_sticky_module .et_mobile_menu").css("max-height",totalheight); } // end diviwp_header_14_setup_collapsible_submenus $(window).load(function() { setTimeout(function() { diviwp_header_14_setup_collapsible_submenus(); }, 700); }); // end window load })(jQuery); // end function // END DIVIWP COLLAPSIBLE SUBMENUS });

One By Wacom Small Pen Tablet


From learning to draw and edit photos to collaborating in online classes or completing academic assignments with natural handwriting, One by Wacom pen tablet brings an easy to use digital pen to PC, Mac and most Chromebooks. Digital learning and creativity couldn’t be easier.

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