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What is a creative pen tablet or creative pen display?

Sometimes called “drawing tablets,” “digital graphics tablets,” “pen tablets,” “drawing tablets,” “drawing pads,” “creative display,” “pen input screens,” or “graphics input tablets,” among other names, creative pen tablets and displays are technology that converts digital pen input from a device to a computer.

Pen tablets vs. pen displays

“Creative pen tablets,” like the Wacom Intuos, are flat, and pen input is displayed on the computer’s monitor.

“Creative pen displays,” like the Wacom Cintiq, act as their own monitor, so pen input is done on the screen itself.

Essentially, a creative pen tablet or display allows users to write or draw like they would with a pen on paper – but have that input seamlessly show up in whatever computer software they have it connected to. Instead of trying to create with a mouse or trackpad, or creating art traditionally and then photographing or scanning it into a digital form, artists can easily create work digitally.

Wacom Pro Pen 2 and the Intuos Pro pen tablet

Why digital artists and creators of all kinds use Wacom products

From comics artists, to illustrators, to photo editors, to game designers, to 3D artists, to fashion designers, creatives of all kinds use pen tablets and pen displays to marry the intuitive feeling of using a pen or paintbrush with the power of digital creative software. That’s why Wacom’s pen tablets and displays are used to make cutting-edge work in top animation, design, concept art, video game, and film studios, as well as by amateur and freelance artists across every creative industry.

Meet the Wacom creative pen display family

Wacom’s line of creative pen displays delivers a range of choices for accomplished creatives. Choose yours based on screen sizes, display footprint and portability, depending on your needs. On all models, you’ll enjoy the experience of working directly on screen with our pressure-sensitive pen.

Wacom Cintiq Pro 27 display

Wacom Cintiq Pro 27

An ultra high-definition pen display with multi-touch capabilities designed for creative professionals.

Wacom Cintiq Pro 22 display

Wacom Cintiq Pro 22

Brilliant color and innovative features: a pen display made for effortlessly precise creativity.

Wacom Cintiq Pro 17 display

Wacom Cintiq Pro 17

The most powerful pen display features in a convenient size – perfect for creative harmony.

Wacom Cintiq Pro 24 pen display

Wacom Cintiq Pro 24

An ultra high-definition pen display with multi-touch capabilities designed for creative professionals.

Wacom Cintiq Pro 16 pen display

Wacom Cintiq Pro 16

An ultra high-definition pen display with multi-touch capabilities designed for creative professionals.

Wacom Cintiq 16/22 pen display

Wacom Cintiq 16/22

Wacom Cintiq combines pen and display for a truly natural creative experience that will help take your work to the next level.

Wacom One 13 touch

Wacom One pen display

With two sizes to choose from, 13.3” (with touch capability, coming soon) or 11.6”, the new Wacom One is portable while still providing an ample creative workspace.

Meet the Wacom family of pen tablets

Wacom offers an impressive range of drawing and creative pen tablets that cater to various creative interests. Whether you enjoy drawing, sketching or photo editing, Wacom’s pen and drawing tablets are an ideal choice. With exceptional pen performance, pressure-sensitivity, and advanced productivity features, Wacom’s pen and drawing tablets enable you to unleash your creativity and enhance your artistic skills.

Wacom Intuos Pro pen tablet

Wacom Intuos Pro large

A professional pen tablet with multi-touch capabilities available in small, medium and large sizes

Wacom Intuos (L) pen tablet

Wacom Intuos

A pen tablet with a simply great pen experience. It couldn’t be easier.

One By Wacom (M) pen tablet

One By Wacom

A pen tablet with a simply natural pen experience. It couldn’t be easier.

Wacom One pen tablet

Wacom One tablet

With two sizes to choose from, the new Wacom One pen tablet is ultra-portable while still providing an ample creative workspace.