Learn graphic design

Learn graphic design by yourself: real client brand identity project

March 24, 2021

Pacific Northwest graphic designer, Lauren Gonzalez, asserts that the best way to learn graphic design is to see another designer working on an actual project.

In this video Lauren takes you behind the scenes of a real-life brand identity project she is working on for a client and shows you her step-by-step thought processes to help you understand how a design project can go from start to finish.

Having built a successful design clientele herself, Lauren is  passionate about helping other designers build their own successful businesses. She post regular tips and tricks for graphic designers on her Instagram and Facebook pages and has started a YouTube channel where she posts every Tuesday.

A long time Wacom Intuos Pro fan, Lauren was thrilled to recently discover that Wacom Americas’ headquarters was practically in her backyard in Portland, OR.

Links mentioned in Lauren’s video:

Check out Lauren’s guide to help you double your design clients

Adobe Color Wheel to help you choose your design palettes

Lauren Gonzalez

About Lauren Gonzalez

Lauren has been a graphic designer for over 11 years and an artist since she was very young, drawing and creating everywhere she could. After majoring in animation/illustration she switched to graphic design and has been an avid Wacom user since day one of her design career. She remembers learning Photoshop at Art Center on a mouse and how when she was introduced to a Wacom, she couldn’t believe anyone was even allowed to use anything but this tablet to create on the computer.

After working in-house as a designer and then creative director for 6 years, Lauren set out on her own, building a design business from scratch. The first purchase she made before starting her new venture was a Wacom tablet, followed by her iMac computer. She had tried some other tablets here and there, but their drivers were not stable and the fluidity and reliability were much lower than a Wacom, so it was natural that her first investment was this vital tool.

After hitting many bumps and struggles of finding work in that first six months of her design business, she was able to overcome the rough patch and grow her design business to what it is now, a consistent client and income machine. After realizing how many other freelance designers were struggling out there, she created an educational business for designers called 4 The Creatives with the primary mission to stop creatives from being undervalued and provide a roadmap for them to build their own dream businesses that could give them a living doing what they truly love.

She continues to put out weekly design-related tips and tricks on YouTube and Instagram as well as runs her signature course program called the Consistent Clients Blueprint, where her students go onto setting up successful design businesses of their own.






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